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Musings, With Gratitude for all that Over-flows... March 7, 2022

Despite the silent movie beginning for those with us on-line yesterday my heart was over-flowing with gratitude to see faces new and old, yes, covered with masks, but present in-person once again! It was such a joy to hear the chatter as we settled into community and then to hear those same voices together in song. Never again will I take singing together in community for granted.

So many people came together to make our first Sunday of Lent, our first Sunday together since before Christmas, a special one. Thank you to those who decorated the sanctuary: those who purchased and hung curtains (Linda and Charles), those who set the table jugs and vessels to over-flowing (Dawn and Paula) and to Eva for the sunflowers that caught the light and call us toward love of our Ukrainian neighbours.

The over-flowing continued as we gathered for our Annual Meeting and reviewed the work of ministry of the past year, work captured in pages and pages of reports, knowing that each page represents countless hours of dedication and care. And the abundance continued as the congregation adopted a budget for 2022 and then, expressed gratitude to two members who were finishing their term, welcomed four new individuals to the Executive - four individuals who offered their time and energy to the mission and ministry of this congregation! Acts of faith and love. We are blessed!

Following the first meeting of the new Executive we will schedule a Sunday in the near future to commission the Executive and offer prayer for the work that lies before them. Watch for this!

And then, as folk began to depart into the snow (at least those of us who were present in-person) the abundance of over-flowing generosity continued as folk shared with me their donations to the upcoming PIE Auction that will take place on Sunday March 13th immediately following our Sunday Gathering: Butterscotch, Chocolate Mud, Peanut Butter, Lemon Sponge, Chocolate Mocha Nanaimio Bar, Lemon Meringue... and the list goes on!

If you still have not made your PIE donation there is time. Email and simply let me know what you'd like to donate. Remember, you don't have to have a pie ready for Sunday March 13th... you can donate a pie to be prepared and delivered at a future date!

I do hope that you'll be present with us next Sunday and share in the fun of the auction as we raise funds to support our affirming ministry, proclaiming a Public, Intentional and Explicit welcome to LGBTQ2+ persons! The auction will take place in person and on Zoom. If you are unable to be with us in-person you can follow this link to take part.

The text for this coming Sunday is Luke 13:31-35. It is my plan to continue our "Full to the Brim" theme and explore what it is "to live in the shelter of God". I hope you'll join me - as it seems clear to me, at least from our experience this past Sunday, that we'll find moments silence there (lol) and an abundance of care, compassion and commitment!



PS: all mid-week Zoom gatherings are suspended as we return to in-person gatherings (with the exception of the Preacher's Help Group) as I focus on resuming more in-person activities. If there is someone who wishes to offer leadership in resuming one or more of those activities contact me and I will assist you in doing so.

Looking Ahead

Today I am in the office and have three more pastoral visits scheduled followed by a visit to the hospital. Tomorrow (Tuesday) I am back in the office again for a meeting in the morning and the Preacher's Help Group (Zoom) followed by three visits.

On Wednesday morning Coffee Hour will Open Sky participants will resume - and they are inviting us to join them in some Winter Carnival fun: fancy dress up day! Wear your finest and come and share in a cup of coffee and a light snack! I will have a Zoom Meeting open from 10AM to 11AM for anyone who is unable to be present in-person so you can drop in and say hello!

Following two meetings on Thursday morning I hope to spend the balance of the day working on the reflection for Sunday.

Friday and Saturday will be days off and on Sunday we will gather for our second Sunday in the journey of Lent in-person and via Facebook Live followed by our annual PIE auction which will take place in-person and via Zoom. Hope to see you there!

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