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Nov 13 Announcements

We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email ( We are here for you and for each other!

Sunday Worship: Our Regular Sunday Worship is held at 11am both in-person at Sackville United and online via our SUC Facebook Page. Mask-wearing and accommodation for those who wish to remain distanced will continue until otherwise stated. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church website in the days immediately following the service. Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Ellie Hummel to the pulpit. Ellie has become a familiar face at SUC, and we welcome her once again to our pulpit and thank her for sharing her ministry with us.

COP27 Vigils and Video Testimonies: Via For the Love of Creation/KAIROS: "COP27 began this morning in Sharm El-Sheik, Egypt. I was surprised to learn on Twitter that it started with a light show reflected on one of the pyramids of Giza – very Egyptian, not very energy conscious. There has been much critique of Egypt leading up to this COP, relating to the difficulty Egyptian and African people have in attending and to Egypt’s human rights record (example). This global gathering, world leaders, our For the Love of Creation / KAIROS delegates and all of us in the crisis need our prayers. I am so glad that many of you have picked up the call and are leading or organizing or reaching out to others to light a candle and sit in vigil, enacting hope for change."

Here is the Candles for COP27 list of vigils, including an online vigil on Saturday November 12 for the Atlantic time zone.

Here is a link to a collection of 90-second video testimonials from the KAIROS delegates to COP27 - as one congregation member put it: "I have only listened to a few of the Canadian youth stories, but I suspect the whole group of stories are powerful."

Church Office Hours: The office will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4:30pm In case of any changes to regular office hours due to illness or other circumstances, a notice will be posted on the church FB page and, when possible, on the front doors as well.

Tantramar Food Pantry: There are many ways to help address food insecurity in our community, nation, and world. We are spotlighting the Tantramar Food Pantry, which provides access to food to students at our high school. As 22 states in the US work to pass bills that would deny access to food support for low-income LGBTQ+ students and their families, we are reminded that the students who rely on this resource are often vulnerable in multiple ways.

Monthly Services at the Drew: We are delighted to once again be able to offer in-person ministry at the Drew Nursing Home. Services will be at 3pm on the first Sunday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend, so please consider if you are inspired to join us. Coming up next on Sunday, December 4. Intergenerational Services for All Ages: People of all ages (and their service pets!) are always welcome at Sackville United. Activity packs and craft supplies are available on the pew in the front hallway before entering the sanctuary for anyone who desires them! Although we do not have a weekly Sunday School program for fall 2022, we do have a series of intergenerational services planned with all ages (particularly children and youth) in mind:

  • Sunday November 27th - First Sunday of Advent: Hope

  • Sunday December 18th - Fourth Sunday of Advent: Love

Princess and the Purse: In partnership with Ensemble Moncton, we are seeking donations of both gently used quality purses, and of the items listed on the left to fill them. Donations can be dropped off at the church anytime up to December 8.

Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky: As part of our Seniors Sharing the Table program, Sackville United and Open Sky host a weekly coffee hour Wednesday mornings at 10:00am, with snacks, hot and cold beverages, and an opportunity to connect with community in conversation.

Scripture Readers Needed for Fall Services: Would you be interested in reading on Sunday Morning? You may sign up on the list on the Circles of Service Board or by calling the Church office. For convivence sake the season/theme of each Sunday is listed along with all of the texts for that Sunday according to the Revised Common Lectionary on the Sign-Up Sheet. On Thursday afternoon the Church Office will communicate with you and provide you with the specific text(s) you will be asked to read, including the possibility of a selection of modern wisdom in the form of a quote from a current text. The Worship and Sanctuary Committee thanks you for sharing in this ministry. Christmas Cheer 2022: Christmas Cheer time is here once again! Sackville United will once again be serving as a drop-off point for gifts during regular office hours. A detailed list of items needed will be posted early next week, and white gift Sunday will be either the first or second Sunday of advent, TBD.

Calling All Bakers - Upcoming SUC Christmas Bake Sale: Get your ovens (and appetites) ready! SUC will be holding its (semi) annual Christmas Bake Sale during the second moonlight madness event. Anyone interested in volunteering baking or in helping with setup/teardown/cashiering is invited to speak to Elsie MacDonald. More details available soon.

Sunday Seekers Book Study: Seekers—Sunday at 9:15 October 23 to November 13—via Zoom. Interested in joining in? Please contact Catherine at The current book is Kate Bowler's engaging No Cure for Being Human.

Church Envelopes and PAR: Offering envelopes and PAR signup forms are available in the church office for anyone interested. Offering envelopes from previous years can continue to be used, but please write your name on the envelope if it is more than 3 years old.

New from Broadview: Check out some of the latest articles available through Broadview online. Annual print subscriptions are only $25/year and are renewed in November through the church office. Please contact the church office to renew your subscription and/or to sign up through our discounted group subscription rate! I’ve struggled with my son’s decision to become a soldier, but we’ve come to an uneasy truce

What's Coming Up

  • Regular Sunday worship at 11am (In-person/FB Live)

  • Worship at the Drew first Sunday of the month (next: Dec 4)

  • Coffee Hour with Open Sky Wednesday mornings at 10:00am

  • Preacher's "Help Group" Scripture Study (Tuesdays 10:30am)

  • SUC Choir Rehearsal Sunday at 10:20am

  • AA meets 12-1pm Wed & Sat in the sanctuary

Watch recordings of previous services: Oct 16 Service Oct 23 Service

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