Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group 9:30am Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am Oct 30-Nov 20 Pulpit Supply at Upper Sackville 9am Kyle Wells/Mari Robertson Oct 30-Nov 20 Laura Hunter at SUC 11am Nov 15 SUC Executive Business Meeting 1:30-3pm Nov 20 Food Bank Sunday Nov 20 SUC Congregational Meeting 12pm Nov 27-Dec 18 Advent Worship with Rev. Jennifer 9am/11am Dec 14 Packing Day for Christmas Cheer (St Paul’s) 9am
ANNOUNCEMENTS for November 13, 2016 26th Sunday after Pentecost
Update from the SPC Search Committee: After conducting an initial series of interviews, the search committee has extended the deadline for applications to January 31, 2017. They will keep the congregations informed as new developments arise.
VARIETY/TALENT SHOW AT SUC: On Saturday, November 26 at 7pm, join us for an hour or so of sharing our talents for a good cause! Do you sing? Dance? Read poetry? Do chainsaw sculptures? Don’t hide your light under a bucket! All talents are welcome, dessert and coffee/tea/juice will be available, and an offering will be taken up for the Benevolent Fund, which helps pay for meals and emergency needs for those people who come to us in crisis. See the sign-up sheet on the discernment board to join in the fun.
CHRISTMAS CHEER 2016: The Christmas Cheer program, which provides Christmas help to Sackville families, is once again accepting monetary donations (care of RBC), as well as donations of new toys, books and clothing for children aged 12 and under. Donations of secondhand clothing for adults and children, and of secondhand bedding would also be welcomed. Donations may be dropped off at Sackville United during regular office hours (Wed.-Fri. 9 a.m. to noon). Toy bags will be packed at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Dec. 14th at 9 a.m., with a storm date of Dec. 15th. New volunteers are always welcome. For further information, please speak to Beth Briscoe or to Janet Geier.
CENTERING PRAYER: Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together. Please note that there will be NO centering prayer group on Monday November 14.
Fall 2016 Worship and Pastoral Care: The Pastoral Charge Executive would like to announce that we have pulpit supply in place for the fall – though the Christmas season if necessary – provided by Rev. Jennifer Brown, from Peticodiac. Rev. Nigel Weaver is our supervisory minister appointed by presbytery. For any pastoral care needs for the rest of the year, please feel free to contact Rev Jean Ward – 902-694-4372 or a.jean.ward@gmail.com
FUNDRAISING CALENDAR FOR ANDERSON SETTLEMENT: Anderson Settlement people are selling a fundraising calendar with a photo of the church to raise funds for much needed work on the church. The calendars are $10 each. To order a calendar, please speak with Bernice McMaster.
Youth Ministry: You may notice that the SPY group has not been present yet this Fall. In fact, the group will be taking a “pause” this year. We hold our youth and their families in our prayers, recognizing the full and busy lives they lead. In this coming year, we will stay open to new ways that our youth ministry may unfold.
Grannie’s Soup Volunteers Needed: The Annual “Grannie’s Soup” will be held during Midnight Madness – Dec 2, 4:30-7:00pm at St. Paul’s Anglican Church Hall. Anyone able to contribute something – soup, biscuits, dessert, butter, tea or coffee, napkins, sugar – or if you would like to work with us on the night of the event, please contact Heather Patterson at hpatters@mta.ca All money raised goes to helping Grandmothers and Orphans in sub-Saharan Africa.
HURRICANE MATTHEW APPEAL: To date, the United Church has raised over $92,800 for the Hurricane Matthew Emergency Appeal. Thank you! The need continues. Find out more and support the relief effort by visiting http://www.united-church.ca/hurricane-matthew
NOTICE OF CONGREGATIONAL MEETING FOR SUC: Please note that the Executive is calling for a Congregational Meeting to be held on Sunday, November 20th following morning worship. The purpose of the meeting will be to receive the proposed budget for 2017, and to receive names for two positions to the executive that be effective at the end of the 2016 Annual Meeting: Chair-Elect, and Communicator-Elect. These positions are for a two-year term with a three-month mentoring period beginning immediately following this Congregational Meeting.
The two-year terms for two positions on the executive will soon be open.
The Executive invites you to consider who might be just the right persons to be the next Chair (presently Marilyn Burrell) and the next Communicator (presently Brenda Allen) of the Executive of the Congregation. It could be YOU. Or it could be the person sitting beside you. Please give this your thoughtful attention, and when you think of someone, place the name in the box provided on the side table.
All members of the Executive of the Congregation attend the Executive Grounding Circle and Executive Business meetings. Each gathering aims to be no more than 90 minutes, and meets monthly, usually for 10 months/year. Here are brief descriptions of the upcoming vacancies:
Role of the position of Chair:
Call meetings & Prepare the agenda
Lead the Executive Governance meetings
Be aware of and attend to (with the Executive) requirements for congregational life
Support the church office in regard to facility use requests
Act as spokesperson for the congregation
Role of the Communicator (This position contains and expands the responsibilities of a Secretary)
Records and distributes minutes
Keeps records current and in order
Receives and brings Correspondence to the meeting
Liaises with and is supported by a core group within the Communications Ministry Area
Matthew 5: 13-16a (The Message) Mark 12: 41-44
Let Us Build a House, MV 1 Spirit God, Be Our Breath, Be Our Song, MV 150 Let There Be Light, VU 679 Christ Has No Body Now But Yours, MV 171 Offertory Response: We Give Our Thanks, MV 187 (Engligh & French)
For More About What’s On Visit: http://www.sackvillepastoralcharge.com