Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group 9:30am Wednesdays Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky 10-11am Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am Nov 27-Dec 18 Advent Worship with Rev. Jennifer 9am/11am Dec 10 Open Sky Open House Christmas Party 2-4pm Dec 14 Packing Day for Christmas Cheer (St 9am Dec 18 “Pastoral Carolling” 12:30pm TBA Longest Night/Blue Christmas Service at SUC TBA Dec 24 Christmas Eve Services TBA Dec 25 Christmas Day Service TBA
ANNOUNCEMENTS for November 27, 2016 Advent I: Hope
Update from the SPC Search Committee: After conducting an initial series of interviews, the search committee has extended the deadline for applications to January 31, 2017. They will keep the congregations informed as new developments arise.
SARA JEWELL BOOK LAUNCH TODAY!: Tidewater Books presents Sara Jewell, author of Field Notes: A City Girl’s Search for Heart and Home in Rural Nova Scotia, reading and signing books on Sunday, November 27, at 2 p.m. here at Sackville United Church. Sara provided pulpit supply for SUC this past summer and is looking forward to celebrating her newly published book with us. Bring a friend!
UCW COLLECTING SMALL ITEMS TO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE: UCW continues to save the following items: Independent Grocery Tapes, pop tabs, plastic bread tabs, used postage stamps (1/4″ border), Campbell’s Soup Labels, the front cover of used Greeting Cards. All items can be left in the basket which is on the book shelf as you come in the main entrance of the church.
“PASTORAL CAROLLING”: Every year, a group of us join together to visit those in our church family and community who are not regularly able to attend worship to sing a couple of carols and spend a few minutes visiting with them. It is a fun and meaningful time for everyone involved. If you have any names of those who might appreciate a festive visit with a little bit of song, please contact the church office.
AN INVITATION FROM OPEN SKY: Our Board of Directors would like to invite you to an Open House Party at Open Sky Co-operative on December 10, 2-4pm. This is a ‘drop in’ event, so no RSVP is required. We hope you will put this on our calendar, and find some time in this busy season to stop by, say hello and accept our hospitality. It is through the generosity and spirit of people like you, that Open Sky thrives and is able to give back to community and families.
GRANNIES’ SOUP AT ST. PAUL’S: Why not beat the cold weather with a hot cup of soup and biscuits/sweets for a good cause? The annual “Grannies Soup Night” will be held on Dec 2 at St. Paul’s Anglican Church from 4:30-7pm. There will be a freewill offering in support of the Stephen Lewis Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign.
CHRISTMAS CHEER 2016: The Christmas Cheer program, which provides Christmas help to Sackville families, is once again accepting monetary donations (care of RBC), as well as donations of new toys, books and clothing for children aged 12 and under. Donations of secondhand clothing for adults and children, and of secondhand bedding would also be welcomed. Donations may be dropped off at Sackville United during regular office hours (Wed.-Fri. 9 a.m. to noon). Toy bags will be packed at St. Paul’s Anglican Church on Dec. 14th at 9 a.m., with a storm date of Dec. 15th. New volunteers are always welcome. For further information, please speak to Beth Briscoe or to Janet Geier.
CENTERING PRAYER: Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.
FUNDRAISING CALENDAR FOR ANDERSON SETTLEMENT: Anderson Settlement people are selling a fundraising calendar with a photo of the church to raise funds for much needed work on the church. The calendars are $10 each. To order a calendar, please speak with Bernice McMaster. Youth Ministry: You may notice that the SPY group has not been present yet this Fall. In fact, the group will be taking a “pause” this year. We hold our youth and their families in our prayers, recognizing the full and busy lives they lead. In this coming year, we will stay open to new ways that our youth ministry may unfold.
HURRICANE MATTHEW APPEAL: To date, the United Church has raised over $92,800 for the Hurricane Matthew Emergency Appeal. Thank you! The need continues. Find out more and support the relief effort by visiting http://www.united-church.ca/hurricane-matthew
Fall 2016 Worship and Pastoral Care: The Pastoral Charge Executive would like to announce that we have pulpit supply in place for the fall – though the Christmas season if necessary – provided by Rev. Jennifer Brown, from Peticodiac. Rev. Nigel Weaver is our supervisory minister appointed by presbytery. For any pastoral care needs for the rest of the year, please feel free to contact Rev Jean Ward – 902-694-4372 or a.jean.ward@gmail.com
SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE: Campbell’s Funeral Home (89 Bridge St) is holding its 17th annual “Christmas Service of Remembrance” on Thursday, Dec 8 at 7pm. Leadership provided by Bill Drysdale, and music by Janet Crawford and Gerry Hannah. All are welcome to this non-denominational service, and refreshment will be provided. For questions, please phone 364-8188.
For More About What’s On Visit: http://www.sackvillepastoralcharge.com
Isaiah 2:1-5 Psalm 122 (VU p.845 –no refrain) Matthew 24:36-44
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus, VU 2 A Light is Gleaming, VU 82, v. 1, 3-4 You Are My Body, MV 200 O Come, O Come Emmanuel, VU 1, v. 1-2, 6-7