We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email (suc@nb.aibn.com). We are here for you and for each other!

Sunday Worship: Our Regular Sunday Worship is held at 11am both in-person at Sackville United and online via our SUC Facebook Page. Mask-wearing and accommodation for those who wish to remain distanced will continue until otherwise stated. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church website in the days immediately following the service.
Don't forget that this Sunday is Worldwide communion Sunday! Join us for an intergenerational service for all ages filled with music, joy, and coming together around the table.
Church Office Hours: The office will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4:30pm In case of any changes to regular office hours due to illness or other circumstances, a notice will be posted on the church FB page and, when possible, on the front doors as well.
Monthly Services at the Drew: Rev. Lloyd and Jennie are delighted to once again be able to offer in-person ministry at the Drew Nursing Home. Services will be at 3pm on the first Sunday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend, so please consider if you are inspired to join us this coming Sunday, October 2, for the first of these services.
Intergenerational Services for All Ages: People of all ages (and their service pets!) are always welcome at Sackville United. Activity packs and craft supplies are available on the pew in the front hallway before entering the sanctuary for anyone who desires them! Although we do not have a weekly Sunday School program for fall 2022, we do have a series of intergenerational services planned with all ages (particularly children and youth) in mind:
Sunday October 2nd - World Communion Sunday
Sunday October 23rd - Peace Sunday
Sunday November 27th - First Sunday of Advent: Hope
Sunday December 18th - Fourth Sunday of Advent: Love
There are also other activities available for children and youth through and at Sackville United. Please contact the church office for details if you are interested in either the Saturday morning TerraSonga program hosted here at SUC, or in joining the online Ukulele Choir run through the UCC.

Seniors Sharing the Table Coffee Hour and Speakers Series: In parnership with Open Sky, Sackville United continues to offer a weekly morning gathering, open to all, where we share coffee, snacks, conversation and activities! Until Thanksgiving, we will be gathering on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 in the sanctuary to hear presentations on a variety of topics related to healthy living and community diversity.
"Aging in New Brunswick" Resource Guide: This resource is "designed to be a one-stop resource for aging-related information. It aims to help users navigate common challenges associated with growing old, like home support services, financial and legal matters, along with driving safety." An online copy of the guide can be found here. and an article explaining some of the background behind its creation can be found here. If you would prefer a printed copy of this 108-page resource, please contact the church office.

Scripture Readers Needed for Fall Services: Would you be interested in reading on Sunday Morning? You may sign up on the list on the Circles of Service Board or by calling the Church office. For convivence sake the season/theme of each Sunday is listed along with all of the texts for that Sunday according to the Revised Common Lectionary on the Sign-Up Sheet. On Thursday afternoon the Church Office will communicate with you and provide you with the specific text(s) you will be asked to read, including the possibility of a selection of modern wisdom in the form of a quote from a current text. The Worship and Sanctuary Committee thanks you for sharing in this ministry. Sunday Seekers Book Circle FALL 2022 continues: The fall session of the Sunday Seekers Group is underway! Katharine Hayhoe is a Canadian climate scientist nowteaching in Texas. She is also an Evangelical Christian and furthermore she is one of the best science-communicators we have. Saving Us is an excellent in-depth primer on climatechange in general, understandable to a non-specialist audience even when putting over thecomplexities of the situation. Such complexities are not just limited to the science but extend to politics and behavioural psychology. She blendsher scientific training and her Christian beliefs in an accessible way. This is a timely book forour Creation Time (September 11-October 9.) The Seekers meet on Sunday mornings via zoom, typically around 9:15am. If interested in joining in on the discussion please contact Catherine Gaw at chgaw@eastlink.ca
Church Envelopes and PAR: Offering envelopes and PAR signup forms are available in the church office for anyone interested. Offering envelopes from previous years can continue to be used, but please write your name on the envelope if it is more than 3 years old.
New from Broadview: Check out some of the latest articles available through Broadview online. Annual print subscriptions are only $25/year and are renewed in November through the church office.
What's Coming Up
Regular Sunday worship at 11am (In-person/FB Live)
Worldwide Communion Sunday Intergenerational Service this Sunday, Oct 2
Worship at the Drew this Sunday Oct 2 at 3pm
Coffee Hour with Open Sky resuming Oct 12
Seniors Sharing the Table Speakers Series Wednesday Nights 6:30pm
Preacher's "Help Group" Scripture Study (Tuesdays 10:30am)
SUC Choir Rehearsals Sat 3pm and Sun 10:20am
New AA Study Group 7:30-8:30pm Mondays in the sanctuary
Watch recordings of previous services: Sept 4 Service (Gary MacDonald leading worship)
Sept 11 Service (welcome back Rev. Lloyd!)
Sept 18 Service (Affirming Ministries Celebration)
Sept 25 Service (Orange Shirt/Reconciliation Sunday)
