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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

October 22 – Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                                ON PAUSE Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky               10am Thursdays     Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian)       9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making at Main St. Baptist Tuesdays 10am/Wednesdays 7pm            Spiritual Literacy Group at SUC TODAY           Affirm United Special Worship                                  9am/11am Oct 23             UCW Regular Meeting                                                  2pm Oct 26-28        Ten Thousand Villages at St. Paul’s Anglican Oct 29              Baptism and Welcoming of New Members           11am Oct 29              Wonder Café with Aiden Legault                            11am Oct 29             Memory Café at SUC                                                     2pm Oct 29             Beer and Hymns at Ducky’s Pub                               7pm Nov 7              Meeting of SUC Trustees                                             7:30pm


ANNOUNCEMENTS for October 22, 2017- Affirm United Special Worship

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING:  The congregation of Sackville United Church is called to meet regarding our finances and investments on Sunday, November 19 immediately following 11am worship.  A potluck lunch will precede the meeting. ~ Bruce Moore

2018 CHURCH CALENDARS:  Available for $6 each – if you are interested in ordering United Church calendars (a fundraiser for M&S) please fill in your name and desired number on the sign-up sheet on the office door.

TEN THOUSAND VILLAGES:  St. Paul’s Anglican once again hosts this sale of beautiful, fairly-traded gifts benefitting artisans from more than 30 developing countries.  Setup on Thursday, Oct 26 beginning at 6pm.  Sale on Friday Oct 27 10am-8pm and Saturday Oct 28 from 10am-4pm.  Volunteers for setup and sales are always greatly appreciated.  To volunteer or for more information, please contact Carolyn Carmichael at 536-0474.

Independent Grocery Tapes: This fund-raising program will be discontinued by the end of November, therefore, please turn in all of your Independent tapes no later than November 15th.  There is a basket on the shelf just inside the Sackville United Church entrance for this.  UCW will continue to collect pop tabs, bread tabs, used postage stamps with a 1/4″ border and the front cover of used greeting cards.   Thank you to everyone who supports this program.

BEER AND HYMNS:  Next on October 29th at 7pm at Ducky’s Pub.  Theme is “Giving Thanks”.  Beer and Hymns will be continuing through the fall! September 24, October 29 (new date!), November 26, and Christmas Carols on December 17!

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

Coming Up this Fall at SPC

Tuesday & Wednesdays: Spiritual Literacy Group.  Using resources from Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat this small group (and another on Wednesday evenings) will explore spiritual attitudes and practices that can contribute to living lives of meaning: attention, gratitude, kindness, play and the list goes on.  On each Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening we will explore the same theme – so, if you can’t make a Tuesday morning come on Wednesday evening or vice versa.

Consider taking part: Tuesdays at 10am or Wednesday at 7pm

COMMON VISION CONCERT:  Coming on November 5 at 3pm, a musical ecumenical event featuring the music of Ron Klusmeier (and others) along with information on the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  The event will feature a mass choir made up of singers from several Sackville churches, along with congregational singing.

WONDER CAFÉ:  On October 29, our worship will include a time for community conversation with student activist Aidan Legault on “The Future of Faith”.


Isaiah 11: 6-9, Luke 10:29b-36


Draw the Circle Wide, MV 145 To Show by Touch and Word, VU 427 Deep in our Hearts, MV 154 Let us Build a House, MV 1, verses 1,2,4,5 Offertory Response:  Grant Us, God, The Grace of Giving, VU 540 Musical Anthem:  Come all you blessed, VU 592

Our Affirming Vision Statement for Sackville United Church

We the community of Sackville United Church feel called to proclaim and live the call of Jesus in our midst.

As people at Sackville United Church, we are committed to being a safe, nurturing environment, affirming and including all – those oppressed, those excluded and those marginalized (e.g. by economic status, dietary limitations, race, culture, language, age, ability, mental health, marital status, gender identity, and sexual orientation).

We will join with all people who seek justice, compassion for all the earth, and, love and peace for all people.

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