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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

October 28 Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

M,W,F       Church Office Open                                                          9am-12pm Wednesdays   Coffee & Conversation with Open Sky         begins: Oct 10 Thursdays     Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian)    9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making (Main St Baptist) Sun 9:15am    Book Study in the Sanctuary at SUC Weds 6pm    “The Ridiculous Journey” at SUC Oct 28           Visioning Event at SUC            NOTE SPECIAL TIME:  10am Oct 28           Jennie Del Motte leads worship at Upper Sackville    9am Nov 11     Remembrance Day Sunday – no regular services Congregation encouraged to attend community service At Convocation Hall                                                                                  10am Dec 2           Advent Begins Dec 23        Christmas Cantata Lessons & Carols                              3pm (Canadian Foodgrains Bank Fundraiser) No Regular Morning Services Dec 24      Christmas Eve services at SUC and Upper Sackville


ANNOUNCEMENTS for October 28, 2018 – Season after Pentecost

Special Music at Upper Sackville and Special 10am service and Visioning Event at SUC:  On Sunday, October 28, join us at 9am at Upper Sackville for music with Harold and friends, with hymn and worship led by Jennie Del Motte.  Meanwhile, at 10am at Sackville United, the community is invited to gather at 10am for a special service and visioning event led by Rev. Lloyd and the executive.  Rev. Lloyd writes:

“On Sunday October 28th Sackville United Church, under the leadership of the Executive, will be holding a Wonder Café for the purpose of exploring our vision for ministry for the future. The gathering will begin at 10AM and finish at 12PM. We will begin with a brief time of worship followed by an interactive experience with feedback and discussion, ending with an opportunity for a group of volunteers to take the material that is generated to the next step.  To assist in the worship segment of this gathering please send a photo that captures ‘the joy and pain of daily living’ to Lloyd will use these in creating the prayers and slides.  Also, as we will be using as a means of collecting data please bring your phone or tablet and be prepared to join the WiFi network when you arrive. The code for the presentation will be available on the screen.”

Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky:  Join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship every Wednesday morning from 10-11am in the SUC sanctuary as we share conversation with our partners at Open Sky and our wider community.

The Ridiculous Journey: Following a Nobody from Nowhere:  A costly journey with an unknown destination.  A Middle Eastern homeless man for twenty centuries ago and why he still stirs the souls and imagination of so many.  Using videos created by TWOP (“The Will of the People”, we will engage in a search for purpose and meaning in the events and choices of our lives.  Wednesday evenings at SUC beginning this coming Wednesday October 10.  Crockpot supper served at 6pm with discussion to follow beginning at 7pm.  All are welcome.

Pastoral Visitors Workshop: November 3 at the Maritime Conference Centre from 10am-3pm.  Bring your lunch.  The workshop will be facilitated by Rev. Janice MacLean, and you can register by emailing:

10000 Villages Annual Sale:  The annual fair, which is “brought to us by the Mennonite Council in support of Fair Trade artisans in third world countries around the world”, will be held at St. Paul’s Anglican November 9th (10am-8pm) & 10th (10am-4pm), with setup on Thursday evening at 6pm.  They are seeking volunteers to help with setup, sales, and packing up.  Anyone who is able to volunteer even an hour of time to assist with the fair would be greatly appreciated; if you are available, please contact Carolyn at 536-0474.

M&P Is Seeking Your Feedback:  The Ministry and Personnel Committee is conducting a routine review of Jennie’s performance as secretary at Sackville United and Upper Sackville United.  Both congregations are invited to send comments on Jennie’s work in this capacity to either committee member – Karen Bamford ( or Shirley Hopkins (  To be considered comments should be received by November 9th.

The Ministry and Personnel Committee is also conducting a routine review of Lloyd’s performance as minister at Sackville United and Upper Sackville United.  Both congregations are invited to send comments on Lloyd’s work in this capacity to either committee member –   Karen Bamford ( or Shirley Hopkins (  To be considered comments should be received by November 9th.

Sunday School Youth Class:  “The 2018-2019 Sunday School year has begun! We gather upstairs in our Godly Play space every Sunday with children of all ages. In addition, there is a separate class for older children/youth (age 9 and up) offered on certain Sundays. This fall, those dates are Oct. 14, Oct. 28, Nov. 4, Nov. 18, and Dec. 16.”

“Contemplative November Hymns”: Between the celebrations of Sunday School openings, Affirming Congregations, Thanksgivings, and the Advents and Christmases to come, we take time in November to “cool the heat and slow the pace” musically.  If you have a favourite hymn or two that takes you to that “small, still place” inside you, let us know and we’ll try and find a place for it within our November services.

Prayers for the Community:Is there someone or something you would like held or lifted up in prayer this month?  Our prayer circle is ready to hear your concerns and joys and pray for them – please send your messages to Marilyn Burrell at  All requests are kept in confidence among the group, who are always mindful of your privacy.

Food Bank Sunday:  On the third Sunday of each month we are asked to bring our offerings of non-perishable food items or consider a monetary contribution to the food bank to help meet the immediate needs of our neighbours and friends, even as we continue to address the underlying injustices that lead to long-term food insecurity.  Upcoming Food Bank Sundays are: November 18, December 16.

PAPER COPIES OF ONLINE MATERIALS:  For those who are not tech savvy or who do not own a computer, paper copies of Lloyd’s Monday Musings and other web-only material are available through the church office.

Conversation Cafés and Potluck at SUC:  On select Sundays a few times a year, we invite a special guest to our 11am service who shares with us insight and personal experience of the wider world of which we are a part.  Through this listening and sharing, we open ourselves to greater advocacy, justice, and inclusion.  The services are followed by a potluck lunch.

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

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