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Perennial Questions in Varied Form… Musings, March 3rd 2020

Happy Super Tuesday!

… not that I’ll ever have a hope in understanding the American electoral process! Yesterday was a ‘super Monday’ for me – it was one of those days where I felt a deep engagement in every encounter and conversation including the experience of sitting in a waiting room with a teenager snoozing with their head on my shoulder.

Such moments often lead me to reflect, on what is for me anyways, a perennial question in varied form: What is really important? What really matters? How will I be remembered? What will be my legacy?

Any and all of these are appropriate questions to follow Ash Wednesday and to carry into the journey of Lent. And, they seem to align well with the Big Questions I am wrestling with over Lent.

What are your perennial questions in varied form? How might they align with the Big Questions? What are the glimpses of truth you’ve seen or heard in your wrestling?

Faithfully, Lloyd

Looking Ahead

Yesterday required attending to some personal matters early in the day after which I was on the go until late in the evening with meetings, conversations and more meetings with some email correspondence thrown in for good measure. Over the supper hour and later in the evening I delivered posters and letters seeking donations to our second Pi Day on March 14th See the information below and attached poster! Hope to see you there! Who doesn’t like pie!!?!??

Today I am working from home trying the craft a liturgy that somehow integrates the sermon (which at this moment is still a Big Question and a blank screen) and related to Lent. This evening I’ll make my way to Gracie’s Café (lower level of the Student Centre) at 7PM for a Gender Identity Workshop featuring Cory Hunter. The event begins at 7PM. This is a great opportunity to both learn and be an ally.

Tomorrow, Wednesday I’ll be in the office from 9AM onward. I look forward to welcoming the Coffee Hour participants at 10AM. At 11AM I hope to be able to share with the Lectionary Study Group a draft, or at least an outline of a second sermon in a series of big questions: Who or what is God? Really? Wish me luck! In the evening, a meeting of the Refugee Welcome Team is scheduled but that may be adjusted.

Thursday will see me revising a reflection for Sunday based on the comments and feedback of the Lectionary Study Group – or at the very worst, still staring at a blank screen praying for inspiration!

Friday and Saturday will be days off – unless blank screenitis persists on Thursday, in which case the only cure will be continued exposure to blue light and the clicking of a keyboard until something emerges.

Pi Day 2020

On Saturday March 14th Sackville United Church will host its second Pi Day from 6PM to 7:30PM. We need your support and participation.

Can you bake a pie or contribute a pie? Call the office and Jennie will add your contribution to the list. Your pie can be delivered Friday in the morning or Saturday in the afternoon.

Can you help set up? Can you help cut and serve the pie? Can you help clean us? Call the office and Jennie will add your name to the growing list of helpers.

Can you come and eat pie? Invite your friends and neighbours. At 6:45PM there will be a live auction for some speciality pies and pizzas!


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