Rev. Catherine shared the image of the Stained Glass Window in Parliament Commemorating the Legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Read the story of the meaning of the window here. Read the Story.
The resources below may be of help in supporting our presence to this work. We can stay informed:
At the 2014 Edmonton TRC event, Moderator Gary Peterson made six commitments on behalf of the United Church. They can be found at
Dr. Marie Wilson, TRC Commissioner, will be a part of the 42nd General Council meeting in Corner Brook, NL, in August. She and other leaders will bring forward Calls to Action to the GC42 commissioners and to the church as a whole. Plan to listen to the live stream of this presentation, and take up the challenge to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan for your faith community (
Visit the KAIROS website to learn about reconciliation activities happening across Canada (
E-mail to receive the Living into Right Relations digest for notice of pertinent articles, resources, and upcoming events.
Join the Indigenous Justice and Residential School and the United Church Aboriginal Congregations communities on Facebook.
You may also want to attend the Peace and Friendship Gathering at Tatamagouche Centre on July 28-31. See the details here: