Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group 9:30am Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am Sept 25 Music Afternoon at Upper Sackville 2-4pm Sept 27 Stewardship Gathering at SUC (open to all) 7-8:15pm Oct 3 UCW at Sackville United 2pm Oct 4, 11 Stewardship Gathering at SUC (open to all) 7-8:15pm Oct 6, Nov 8 SUC Executive Grounding Circle 1:30-3pm Oct 18, Nov 15 SUC Executive Business Meeting 2-3:30pm/1:30-3pm
ANNOUNCEMENTS for Sept 25, 2016 19th Sunday after Pentecost Creation Time
We once again welcome Rev. Jennifer Brown, who we are assured is delightful!
Update from the SPC Search Committee: The search committee has let the SPC executive know that they are now in the process of conducting interviews. We thank them for their commitment and hard work, and for keeping our congregations informed.
UPPER SACKVILLE MUSIC AFTERNOON TODAY at 2pm: Upper Sackville has planned a music afternoon in memory of Ernie Sears on Sunday, September 25th from 2-4. All are welcome, and we hope you will be able to attend. Performers involved include Ernie’s Sunday Night Jam and Karen, Nelson, Rhonda and Tim (Ernie’s daughters and husbands). Join us for a light and lively event, just like Ernie would want it.
OBSERVER MAGAZINE: It’s that time of year again, folks! If you would like to renew your subscription to the UCC Observer Magazine, or if you are interesting in beginning a new subscription, please speak to Jennie or email the church office by October 1. The cost for the year’s subscription is $25.
UCC E-NEWSLETTERS: Want to be in the loop about what’s going on in the wider UCC church community? Consider signing up for one or more of the United Church’s “E-Newsletters” – topics include notes from our Moderator, Justice in Action, and “E-ssentials.” Find out more or subscribe at http://www.united-church.ca/newsletters
CENTERING PRAYER: Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.
Fall 2016 Worship and Pastoral Care: The Pastoral Charge Executive would like to announce that we have pulpit supply in place for the fall – though the Christmas season if necessary – provided by Rev. Jennifer Brown, from Petticodiac. This will provide some continuity for our worship while the Search Committee continues to work on our behalf to find new ministerial personnel for the charge. Rev. Nigel Weaver is our supervisory minister appointed by presbytery. Anyone with any questions or concerns can contact Jane Braedley or Marilyn Burrell for more information.
For any pastoral care needs for the rest of the year, please feel free to contact Rev Jean Ward – 902-694-4372 or a.jean.ward@gmail.com
►SACKVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE WEBSITE: Check out our website at www.sackvillepastoralcharge.com – this is the face that we show to most of the world! Click the “follow” button on the home page to receive new information by email each time there’s a new post.
Are you interested in how we can experience every aspect of our ministry lives as “ stewardship”?
Please join us for three evenings this fall for conversation with Laura Hunter, Maritime Conference Minister for Justice and Stewardship, on this very topic. There is a sign-up sheet on the Discernment Board.
Tuesdays, 7-8:15 pm on September 27th, October 4th, and October 11th
Informed by the book, “Holy Currencies”, this mind-shifting concept developed by Eric H. F. Law, examines 6 “currencies”, or blessings that are exchanged to build healthy and sustainable ministries in churches. How are the “blessings” flowing in our community of faith? How might they help us to live into new opportunities?