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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

September 3 – Announcements

Upcoming Dates to Remember

Mondays       Centering Prayer Group                                         ON PAUSE Wednesdays   Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky        ON PAUSE Thursdays    Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday   Project Linus Blanket Making                           ON PAUSE Sept 6            SUC Executive Business Meeting                         6:30pm Sept 9           Book, Bake & Jewellery Sale at SUC                     8am-12pm Sept 10         Regular Service Times Resume                            9am USUC/11am SUC

For a complete listing of what’s coming up this fall, click here.

musi circle

Special thanks to Payton Harper, Heather Hay, and Nancy Hay for sharing their musical gifts throughout the service.

ANNOUNCEMENTS for September 3, 2017- 13th Sunday after Pentecost

BOOK, BAKE, AND JEWELLERY SALE:  Coming up on September 9 from 8am-12pm!  This time round we’ve added a jewellery sale to the event. I expect, like me, you have items of jewellery stored away in drawers and boxes which are pining to see the light of day. This sale is their big chance to be ‘new’ again. Please gather them up and bring them to the church on one of the next two Sundays, Aug. 20 or 27th, or even Sept. 3rd if you move slowly! I will be collecting the pieces and manning the jewellery table. Also if you have anything like a ‘jewellery tree’ which you could lend for the morning to help display the jewellery, most appreciated.

Reminder: New life for neglected jewellery. Susan Dales is collecting jewellery for the Sept. 9th Book, Bake and Jewellery Sale. A piece you no longer wear could be someone else’s treasure. Please bring jewellery to either the Aug. 23rd or Sept. 3rd service (preferably Aug. 23rd). Thanks to those who’ve already contributed.

SUNDAY SCHOOL AT SUC OPENING SEPTEMBER 10: Sunday School at Sackville United Church will begin again on Sunday, September 10. Families are invited to come upstairs for a snack and registration time starting at 10:15. We’ll head down for the beginning of the service at 11:00 and then back up to our Godly Play space at the appropriate time in the service.  Children younger and older are always welcome to join us! In addition, like last year, we hope to hold a class especially for the older children at least once a month. We are also very open to the possibility of providing a “nursery” for babies and toddlers. Feel free to reach out to us to discuss this! We will be continuing with the Godly Play curriculum, which we’d also be happy to discuss anytime. Some information can be found on the Godly Play Canada website (actually currently featuring a picture of our church on their home page to announce the up-coming Maritimes Godly Play training!):

“150 CANS” FOR THE FOOD BANK:  Elsie MacDonald writes: “As many of you may know, I volunteer at the Local Food Bank, as do Bill and Janet Geier.   Our Food Bank receives many items from the Moncton Food Depot.  For the past three months, we have not received many can goods…items like tomatoes, fruit, soups, vegetables, meats, beans, etc.  I am wondering if our congregation could aim at 150 cans for our Food Bank Sunday, Sept. 17th.  We know the need is there….there were fifty client families needing food two weeks ago and forty client families yesterday…we average forty families weekly which would probably be over one hundred people whom we help.”  A basket for cans will be placed in the back of the sanctuary, and we will collect items from August 27-Sept 17.  Thank you for your support of this vital community outreach.

DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY: Friday afternoons 2-4pm during the summer, we explore together what Happiness really means. More information on the Open Sky Facebook Page.

GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV.  LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd?  He can be reached at or by calling (506) 940-1151.

BEER AND HYMNS:  Beer and Hymns will be continuing through the fall!  Stay tuned for more details!

FOODGRAINS BANK SERVICE FOR THANKSGIVING:  On October 8, Margaret Tusz-King will be leading a service on a theme of food, hunger, and the work of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.  She is looking for volunteers interested in planning and/or participating in the service.

THANKSGIVING HARVEST TABLE:  As has been our tradition these past few years, on Thanksgiving Sunday (Oct 8) we invite the congregation to bring in “harvest” items, both fresh and canned that will be used to create a harvest disply for the service, and which will then be donated to the food bank. Unfortunately, no homemade canned or baked items can be used, per food bank regulations.


Romans 12:9-21, Matthew 16:21-28

Music (this week’s music once again features Canadian artists)

Signs – Five Man Electrical Band The Weight (Take a Load Off Fanny) – The Band Rainy Day People – Gordon Lightfoot Offertory Response: Love Lift Us – Buffy Sainte-Marie Anthem – Leonard Cohen Special Music: Lost Boy – Ruth B (Payton Harper) Additional Special Music by Heather and Nancy Hay

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