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SPC AGM and Annual Report 2015-16

The congregations of the Sackville Pastoral Charge are called to meet on April 17 at 12:15 at Sackville United for the purpose of receiving the annual reports from the governing body, committees and other groups of the pastoral charge, electing the Presbytery rep, considering and recommending action on the draft annual budget.

~Jane Braedley Chair, Sackville Pastoral Charge Council

The annual report is available here, with one appendix.  A limited number of paper copies will also be available in the church office.

A potluck lunch will take place immediately following the 11 a.m. church service.  Last name ‘A’ to ‘M’ should bring a dessert (squares, cookies, fruit tray, etc.)  and last name ‘N’ to ‘Z’ should bring a main course (sandwiches, salad, veggie tray, etc.).  Coffee, tea, juice will be provided.  Please plan to attend!

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