Worship and Work Must Be One
The Executive of the Congregation for SUC is continuing a process of regular updates of its actions in the effort to be as transparent and accountable to the congregation as possible.
Here are motions from the April 24th Executive Meeting:
Eric moved and Elsie seconded that the SUC executive accept the Affirm resolution. Motion carried. On June 3, 2018, a congregational meeting will be called to pass the Affirm resolution.
Wedding Request – Allan Proulx and Iryna Zadorozgna (from the Ukraine) wish to be married at SUC on May 12th. It was suggested that Lloyd check with the multicultural centre for a Ukranian translator. Lloyd will be officiating the wedding with Father Joe Ostopowich, a Ukranian Catholic priest from Vancouver who will take part via video conference. Eric moved to accept the reccomendation to marry Allan and Iryna. Diane seconded. Motion carried.
Other points of interest:
Pride Parade June 16 in Amherst NS – discussed SUC involvement
Property and Maintenance – commuication plan and updates between committee and Executive discussed
Auction – ads and radio promotion used resulted in some participants from outside the church community – at least $2700 raised