Update on the Activities of the Executive of the Congregation of Sackville United Church in 2016
Update for April-July 2016:
Received report from the Fire Marshall determining safe occupancy numbers; these will be posted in the building
Received monthly reports from
the Finance & Investment Committee; established a process for communicating information to the congregation
Drafted guidelines for receiving social action petitions from individuals: (a) Petitions received from bodies of the United Church of Canada will continue to be circulated, as is our practice. (b) We understand petitions to be an invitation to learning and action. To facilitate that learning and action, individuals interested in presenting petitions to our congregation are invited to form a group through the Discernment Board process. An Elder is available to assist in that process
Offered financial support to one of our youth attending Maritime Conference Intermediates at Conference in May
Planned and hosted a “Celebration Gathering” on April 21st, recognizing those who had been involved in any way in our ministries over the period of testing our new governance model.
Finalized the evaluation document for the governance model, and called a Congregational Meeting for April 24th to receive the vote on accepting our new model of governance.
Called together a discussion group to tend to issues related to maintenance and responsibility for our cemeteries. Received reports of the needs of the cemeteries from the group.
Received a report from Rev. Catherine Smith on Open Space at Conference, where she invited a conversation around our governance shape at Sackville United. Many people participated in the conversation and showed interest. She will respond to congregations who wish to pursue the conversation in relation to their own context with the Executive’s encouragement.
Participated in the congregational celebration on June 6th marking the end of Rev. Catherine Smith’s time with our pastoral charge.
Received with gratitude a Rainbow Flag as a gift for our church. As the Affirm Process gets underway in the Fall, and as it proceeds, the Executive will hold the flag for a time when we mark a particular threshold in that journey.
Initiated a Circle of Service to brainstorm some fundraising initiatives.
Continued to discuss and plan for a stewardship initiative for the fall.
Established length of terms for the Executive positions: Treasurer, 5 years, two of which are served as Treasurer-Elect; Chair, 2 years; Communicator, 2 years, Elders, 3 years.
Invited a bubble group to form around outlining the needs of the kitchenette so it is more functional; to estimate the costs related to those needs with a view towards fundraising the funds.
Received and followed up 4 new requests for use of the church.