Upcoming Dates to Remember
July-August Summer Services at SUC 10am (SUC choir on summer pause) (Upper Sackville United closed for summer pause) (Centering Prayer group on summer pause) (No Sunday School, activities/toys available for children)
Sept 10 SUC Choir Practice 1pm Sept 11 Regular Service Times resume at USUC/SUC 9am/11am Sept 17 Bake and Book Sale at SUC 8am-12pm
ANNOUNCEMENTS for August 28, 2016 15th Sunday after Pentecost
Today we welcome Jennie Del Motte as our worship leader, whose joy and privilege it is to be among you today.
SUC BOOK AND BAKE SALE COMING UP SOON: on September 17th from 8am-12pm (during Fall Fair) at Sackville United. Anyone who has books to donate can drop them off at the church office during regular office hours or bring them on Sunday. All kinds of books welcome, although textbooks are not preferred.
►SACKVILLE PASTORAL CHARGE WEBSITE: Even if you’re not a computer whiz, why not check out our website at www.sackvillepastoralcharge.com – this is the face that we show to most of the world! Click the “follow” button on the home page to receive new information by email each time there’s a new post.
SUMMER PULPIT SUPPLY AND PASTORAL CARE: The following is the schedule for pulpit supply:
Aug. 28th – Jennie Del Motte
Sept 4th & Sept 11th – Sara Jewell – Lay Worship Leader
Arrangements for worship leadership and pastoral care for the rest of the year have been made, and details will be available in the next few weeks.
For any pastoral care needs, please contact Rev Jean Ward – 902-694-4372.