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Dec 11 announcements

We hope that you are well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email ( We are here for you and for each other!

Sunday Worship: Our Regular Sunday Worship is held at 11am both in-person at Sackville United and online via our SUC Facebook Page. Mask-wearing and accommodation for those who wish to remain distanced will continue until otherwise stated. For those not on FB but wishing to watch online, a link to the video of the service will be posted on the church website in the days immediately following the service. Join us this Sunday as we welcome Rev. Heather McClure to the pulpit as Rev. Lloyd is still unwell. We also welcome special guest musicians Julia Gill and Annika Williams.

Sock-throwing is still going ahead (with a special mystery volunteer "throw-ee"), so bring your hats, gloves, mitts etc. and wind up your throwing arm for Ensemble Moncton!

Advent and Christmas at SUC: Take a look at the wide and exciting variety of events happening throughout Advent at SUC! Also take a look at the various resources available for download and printing, including an advent calendar and daily devotional booklet. A limited number of printed copies of the devotional booklet will be available

Activities include:

  • Wednesday "Creative Christmas Crafting and a Meal" at 10am and 6pm

  • Thursday morning "Pauses" with Rev. Lloyd via zoom at 10am

  • Sunday morning Advent Seekers Group via zoom at 9:15am

  • Special services on Dec 1 (World Aids Day) and Dec 6 (National Day for Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women)

  • Friday Dec 9 Bake Sale

  • Sunday Dec 11 evening Christmas Carol Sing-a-Long (update TBA)

  • Sunday Dec 18 Carols and Cocktails at Ducky's

  • Wednesday Dec 21 Longest Night Service

Church Office Hours: The office will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4:30pm In case of any changes to regular office hours due to illness or other circumstances, a notice will be posted on the church FB page and, when possible, on the front doors as well.

Christmas Cheers Gift List: Thank you to everyone who contributed to this year's Christmas Cheer campaign. We look forward to your continued support of this community ministry.

Tantramar Food Pantry: This week will be the final week we will collect at the church for the Tantramar Food Pantry, and we wish to thank you for the tremendous response and support that's been shown for the program. This is only one of the many ways in which we work to help address food insecurity in our community, nation, and world.

M&P Performance Review: The M&P committee is conducting a performance review for Rev. Lloyd and Jennie (in both her position as secretary and as musical director). As part of this regular process for all United Church employees, the committee is seeking feedback from the congregation. If you would like to share your thoughts on Rev. Lloyd and/or Jennie, please email them by to Shirley Hopkins and Karen Bamford, or leave them in a sealed envelope in the SUC Executive Mailbox in the “Items for Pickup” slot. Deadline for submission is Sunday, January 22.

Monthly Services at the Drew: We are delighted to once again be able to offer in-person ministry at the Drew Nursing Home. Services will be at 3pm on the first Sunday of the month. Anyone is welcome to attend, so please consider if you are inspired to join us. Coming up next in January (exact dae TBA).

Parents and Tots: Parents and Tots meets Thursday Mornings from 9:30am to 11:00am at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. There is no charge, and volunteers are present to assist with childcare. Bring your young ones for a time of community, play and fellowship (and a chance to chat with other grownups!).

Congratulations Tess!: Congratulations to Tess Casher, names the 56th Rhodes Scholar from Mount Allison. Tess is from Whitehorse but worships with us while attending Mount Allison.

Scripture Readers Needed for Winter Services: Would you be interested in reading on Sunday Morning? You may sign up on the list on the Circles of Service Board or by calling the Church office. For convivence sake the season/theme of each Sunday is listed along with all of the texts for that Sunday according to the Revised Common Lectionary on the Sign-Up Sheet. On Thursday afternoon the Church Office will communicate with you and provide you with the specific text(s) you will be asked to read, including the possibility of a selection of modern wisdom in the form of a quote from a current text. The Worship and Sanctuary Committee thanks you for sharing in this ministry.

Worship 101 for Occasional Lay Worship Leaders (2023): If you’ve ever been asked to offer partial leadership in worship–or take on an entire worship service—you may have experienced the sinking feeling of not knowing where to begin, or that you just can’t see yourself ‘up front’ in that leading role. Do we have a set of workshops for you!

The RC 15 Faith Formation and Leadership Development team presents a five part series– Worship 101 for Occasional Lay Worship Leaders. These workshops are designed to help the occasional lay worship leader untangle how to get started, where to find resources, and how to prepare to lead worship with confidence. The series will be held on Zoom in January-February 2023.

Bake Sale this Friday: SUC will be holding its (semi) annual Christmas Bake Sale during the second moonlight madness event THIS FRIDAY (today!) December 9 in the sanctuary. Come on out and indulge your sweet tooth with us!

New from Broadview: Check out some of the latest articles available through Broadview online. Annual print subscriptions are only $25/year and are renewed in November through the church office. Please contact the church office to renew your subscription and/or to sign up through our discounted group subscription rate! 4 ways to create less waste this holiday

What's Coming Up

  • Regular Sunday worship at 11am (In-person/FB Live)

  • Worship at the Drew first Sunday of the month (next: January TBA)

  • Crafting and a Meal Wednesday mornings at 10:00am and evenings at 6:00pm

  • Preacher's "Help Group" Scripture Study (Tuesdays 10:30am)

  • SUC Choir Rehearsals during Advent Saturday mornings at 10:30am

  • AA meets 12-1pm Sat in the sanctuary (please note that there are NO Wednesday meetings during advent)

Watch recordings of previous services:

Nov 13 Service - guest leader Rev. Ellie Hummel

Nov 20 Service - guest musical guests Terrasonga

Nov 27 Service - first Sunday of Advent

Dec 4 Service - second Sunday of Advent, special guest musician Emma Yes

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