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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

Fate, Falls and Feelings of Gratitude

My father used to tell me that if you go too fast something is bound to happen – that it is not a matter of if, but only when… well it happened last night. Rushing to pack up the banner stand, Advent Candle stand, banners and all the computer and recording gear, I slipped on the damp steps at Upper Sackville and twisted my knee in a direction its not naturally inclined to go! As a result I found myself needing hobble around the house and find different positions to work from: standing at the kitchen counter, standing at the dining room table, lying on the bed, lying on the sofa… much to Rasta’s consternation!

I’ve managed to get a little bit of work done today: sorting and filing the 60 or so bits of raw video footage that will make up one of Christmas Eve services, participating in a Regional Town Hall with other clergy, responding to emails and, most excitingly, planning to host Santa Friday evening and Saturday! I’ll be interviewing Santa and the Singing Cook on Zoom (and broadcast on Facebook Live) early Saturday afternoon, just before the Santa starts his one-on-one visits. I’m going to talk with them about community spirit and generosity at Christmas time and highlight the need of the Christmas Cheer program. Remember, donations can be dropped off at Sackville United Church and cash donations can be made by e-transfer to with Christmas Cheer in the text box. I am so very grateful to be a part of this generous and deeply compassionate community!

I am also so very grateful for the young people in our midst – a feeling shared by many of you as you observed and participated with them on Sunday evening during the Godly Play and Story Time gatherings. Many of you have remarked how wonderful it was to see them and the surprise at how much they have grown!

Over the past few days a few pictures have been shared with me which I have shared (with permission) in this reflection – and I am reminded, yet again, of how vital it is to make the effort to remain connected with each other. Seeing Ari at the 2019 Cookie Walk, another event that fell victim to COVID-19, and seeing how much Ari has grown, and the concentration and engagement on Analee and Leanna’s faces as they took part in the Godly Play Gathering is testament to the deep deep value of the community we share! Thank you all for being you!

Well, that is enough rambling for now. There is a liturgy and a reflection for Sunday to finish and interview questions for Santa and the Singing Cook to write!



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