"a star is there to light our way..."
We hope this email finds you well. If you are in need - physically, spiritually, or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (506-940-1151) or email (suc@nb.aibn.com). We are here for you and for each other!
Sunday Worship: Our Sunday services are at 11am online via our SUC Facebook Page or here on the SUC Church Website. An update on the status of Sunday services and other ongoing practices for use of the church building will be available later this week. Our current vaccination policy for those wishing to access the church building for Sunday services, office visits, and any other in-person activities is as follows: Greeters/Office Staff are required to request proof of vaccination from all those eligible to be vaccinated who wish to attend in-person events and activities. All persons 5 years and older are required to meet the vaccine requirements as established by provincial public health. Accommodations will be made, during the vaccine rollout, for those children aged 5-11 who are in the process of being vaccinated. Children under 5 are not eligible to be vaccinated but are permitted to attend.
Upon request please provide both your vaccination record and government issued identification, or a government approved medical exemption certificate. All who are present at any event or activity are required to wear masks and practice distancing between households/bubbles.
Upon providing proof of vaccination you may be asked if Sackville United Church may maintain a record of your status for future visits. You may also provide your proof of vaccination status by visiting the office during office hours. The Office Administrator will record that proof has been provided and make a record for your future visits.
Office Hours: The office will be open to the public on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-4:30pm by appointment only. In keeping with Covid Best Practices for Safety, if Jennie experiences any symptoms she will work from home. Please phone the church office during regular hours or email to book a time for your visit.
Sunday Conversation and Fellowship Via Zoom: Shortly following the end of upcoming Sunday services, especially if they continue to remain online only, we will offer the chance to gather and share in a time of community and conversation - BYOS:bring your own snacks ;) - via Zoom. A zoom link will be available later in the week and can be found in your weekly announcement email by Sunday morning.
Wednesday Evening Virtual Community Suppers: An update will be coming soon about the possibility of resuming regular weekly virtual suppers.
Sunday Seekers Book Circle: Stay tuned for the next offering from the Sunday Seekers group. If you are interested in becoming part of this online group that meets (typically on Sundays before 11am worship) to read and discuss books and creative expressions of faith, please contact Catherine Gaw at chgaw@eastlink.ca
Preacher's Lectionary "Help Group": Join Lloyd online on Tuesday mornings at 10:30am to reflect on the scripture lessons for the week and share a deepened understanding of the Word. Please use the Meeting ID: 487 114 0142 and the password usuc@suc or connect by using the following link. Gifts with Vision 2021-22 - an excellent source of gifts and giving for the whole year!: Although a new year has started, the needs of our wider community (both near and far) are still very present. For the person who has "everything", why not consider a donation (birthday, Valentine's Day, Easter) Read more about the program and visit the gifts with vision website here. A limited number of print copies are available in the church office.
What's Coming Up
Regular Sunday worship in-person and online at 11am Sundays. Masks and proof of vaccination status for all those aged 5 and older are required (see the top of this email for full details)
Watch recordings of previous services:
New from Broadview:
Broadview's top stories of 2021 From the United Church of Canada:
Bringing these children the honour we denied them in life - Moderator's statement on Residential School burials
Unsettling Goods: The United Church of Canada encourages United Church members and others to become involved in the search for a just peace between Palestinians and Israelis by contributing to the end of the occupation of the Palestinian Territories.
United Church Special Appeals: