Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group ON PAUSE Wednesdays Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky 10am Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews Presbyterian) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday Project Linus Blanket Making at Main St. Baptist Tuesdays 10am/Wednesdays 7pm Spiritual Literacy Group at SUC Sundays 9:15am Book Study in the Quiet Room at SUC Jan 21 Coffee and Conversation at Upper Sackville 9am Jan 21 Rev. Lloyd Visits the Sunday School 11am Jan 21 Food Bank Sunday for SPC 9am/11am Jan 22 UCW Meeting at SUC 2pm Jan 28 Conversation Café and Potluck at SUC 11am Feb 14 Ash Wednesday March 2 World Day of Prayer Service at SUC 2pm April 1 Easter Sunday 7am/9am/11am
ANNOUNCEMENTS for January 21, 2018 – 3rd Sunday after Epiphany
NEW CHURCH OFFICE HOURS FOR WINTER 2018: Owing to Jennie’s teaching schedule at the university this term, the office hours for SPC will be slightly modified from January-April. In consultation with M&P and the SPC/SUC Executives, the office will be open from 8am-11am on Wednesday through Friday. Jennie is appreciative of your flexibility. Office hours of 9am-12pm will resume in May.
FOOD BANK SUNDAY: This Sunday is food bank Sunday for the Pastoral Charge. We are asked to bring our offerings of non-perishable food items or consider a monetary contribution to the food bank to help meet the immediate needs of our neighbours and friends, even as we continue to address the underlying injustices that lead to long-term food insecurity.
REV. LLOYD MAKES A VISIT TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOL: This Sunday, Rev. Lloyd will be sharing our regular service time upstairs with the youngest members of our church family – all children welcome! Rev. Catherine Gaw will be offering leadership in the sanctuary.
Prayers for the Community: Is there someone or something you would like held or lifted up in prayer this month? Our prayer circle is ready to hear your concerns and joys and pray for them – please send your messages to Mora MacDonald at morabullydog@yahoo.ca. All requests are kept in confidence among the group, who are always mindful of your privacy.
Conversation Café and Potluck at SUC: On the last Sunday of the month, we welcome a special guest speaker to help us explore our faith in a different way. This month, on January 28, we welcome Ashley Rose Cumming, a 2nd-Year Inuit student who will speak with us on “People of the Land.” All are welcome. . A Pot Luck Lunch will follow the 11 am service. It is suggested that last name A to M would bring first course and last name N to Z would bring desserts. All are welcome.
Observer Magazine Subscriptions for 2017-2018: As the date of renewal for this year’s Observer magazine was unexpectedly pushed a month earlier that previous years, we automatically renewed all current subscriptions earlier this fall. The cost of subscriptions for this current 2017-2018 subscription is $25 payable to Sackville United and can be dropped off at the office or in the offering plate clearly marked. Please see Jennie in the church office with any questions, and we hope you continue to enjoy your Observer! For anyone considering a subscription for next year, copies of previous magazines are available in the SUC front hallway for your perusal.
NEW NAMETAGS AT SUC: As you enter the SUC sanctuary you will notice we have new magnetic nametags. Please take a moment to choose a marker from the variety colours and write your name on a tag.
GOT A FRIDGE TO SPARE?: Sackville United is looking for someone who may have an extra full-size fridge to donate to our kitchenette. This second fridge will be used to help store food for large and catered events, and will only be used from time to time in order to save on energy costs.
GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV. LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd? He can be reached at spcminister@nb.aibn.com or by calling (506) 940-1151. Rev. Lloyd will be back in town for Sunday, January 21.
SAVE THE DATE: Upcoming liturgical dates to keep in mind are easy to remember this year, with Ash Wednesday falling on Valentine’s Day (Feb 14) and Easter on April Fools (April 1)!
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE AT SUC: This year Sackville United is hosting the annual ecumenical World Day of Prayer service, with music provided by Jennie. All are welcome at this afternoon service, which begins at 2pm on Friday, March 2.
Mark 1:14-20
VU 691 Walls that Divide VU 589 Lord Speak to Me MV 113 Fish With Me MV 145 Draw the Circle Wide
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