Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group ON PAUSE Wednesdays Coffee with Open Sky ON PAUSE Thursdays Parents & Tots ON PAUSE 1st Thursday Project Linus ON PAUSE July 2-Sept 3 Summer Services at SUC 10am July 9&23, Aug 13&27 Beer and Hymns 7pm
Celebrate the Land
ANNOUNCEMENTS for July 2, 2017- 4th Sunday after Pentecost
BEER AND HYMNS: Ducky’s Pub from 7-8pm on Sunday evenings: July 9 & 23, August 13 & 27. Come out and raise your voices (and glasses!).
GETTING IN TOUCH WITH REV. LLOYD: Looking to get in touch with Lloyd? He can be reached at spcminister@nb.aibn.com or by calling (506) 940-1151.
PRAYER REQUESTS: for yourself or a person or situation concerning you may be given to our Prayer Circle by calling Mora at 536-4109, or email morabullydog@yahoo.ca. Details surrounding a request may be provided but are not necessary. All requests are received with respect and kept in confidence.
LIFE, DEATH & AFTER WORKSHOP: Anyone interested in participating in this process (either as a 1-day session or 3 shorter weekly sessions) is invited to sign up on the discernment board or speak with Bruce or Gary for more information.
Summer Reading and Reflection: The summer reading group, Three Months, Three Books, Three Indigenous Writers is a go! Please start your reading and plan to gather on June 29 to discuss, The Inconvenient Indian, by Thomas King. (reading lists are available at the bulletin board. If you are planning to attend, please either sign up or email chgaw@eastlink.ca) Each gathering will be held at 618 Route 935, Wood Point at 10:00-11:30.(Each of these books has mature content and profanity. Reader discretion is advised!)
Stuff Other stuff
Music all our music this morning is written by Canadian authors and composers
For the Beauty of the Prairies, VU 303 (Walter Farquharson) Sung Response: Four Strong Winds (Ian & Sylvia Tyson) O Beautiful Gaia, MV 41 (Carolyn McDade, with Atlantic Canadian singers) How Then Shall We Live? (Linnea Good) Offertory: What Can I Do? MV 191 (Paul Rumboldt) Both Sides Now (Joni Mitchell) Sung Benediction: When You Walk from Here, VU 298 (Linnea Good)
SPC Summer Music Series
This summer, we’re doing something new and exciting at SPC! Each Sunday morning worship this summer will feature a specific musical theme/genre, with a mix of popular hymns and familiar favourites we don’t always get to sing in church! Join us for these joyful Sundays that will have you swaying in your seat!
TODAY: Canadian Songwriters July 9: Country & Gospel July 16: Big Band/Crooners July 23: Folk July 30: Rock ‘n’ Roll Aug 6: Prayers and Pancakes to Go – Holy Hospitality at Sappyfest Aug 13/20: Pulpit Supply (Sara Jewell/Gary MacDonald) Aug 27: The Beatles Sept 3: More Canadian Songwriters