Upcoming Dates to Remember
Mondays Centering Prayer Group 9:30am Wednesdays Coffee and Conversation with Open Sky ON PAUSE Thursdays Parents & Tots (at St. Andrews) 9:30-11am 1st Thursday Project Linus at Main St Baptist 1pm May 8 African Grandmother Visits SUC (TAG) 3pm May 10 Pastoral Charge Annual Meeting at SUC 7pm May 13 Yard & Bake Sale at Upper Sackville 8-11am May 28 Music Afternoon at Upper Sackville 2pm June 1 Shared Ministry Circle at SUC 6:30pm

Peace be with you.
ANNOUNCEMENTS for May 14, 2017- 5th Sunday of Easter
COMING UP AT UPPER SACKVILLE: Coming up at our favourite “country church” is a music afternoon from 2-4pm on May 28, featuring gospel favourites and fellowship!
SUC EXECUTIVE LOOKING TO FILL ONE MORE POSITION: The SUC Executive is seeking to fill the fourth available elder position. Anyone who is interested can speak to a member of the Executive.
SHARED MINISTRY GATHERING: A Shared Ministry gathering will be held on June 1st @ 6:30 in the Sanctuary. At this gathering, we will share the activities and the needs of each circle of service. Also we will discuss how the circles are funded. Representatives from the following circles of service are encouraged to attend: WORSHIP, OUTREACH, CEMETERIES, FAITH FORMATION, BOOK STUDY, PRAYER CIRCLE, PASTORAL CARE, AFFIRM, KITCHEN RE-SHAPING, PROPERTY, DYING, DEATH AND BEYOND STUDY, WEDNESDAY COFFEE,AUDIO VISUAL, COMMUNICATIONS, CHOIR. …..Elsie
OPEN SKY COFFEE AND CONVERSATION ON PAUSE: As the ground warms up and the growing season begins, our friends from open sky will be taking a summer pause from our weekly coffee and conversation mornings. We will look forward to welcoming their return in the fall, and to dropping by the farm to say hello and pick up a vegetable/egg or two over the summer!
AN UPDATE FROM THE SRRC: The Sackville Refugee Response Coalition has been pleased to welcome two refugee families from Syria to our community over the past few months. The most important factor in the settlement of our families has been the participation of the Welcome Committees for each family. This committee is responsible for greeting and welcoming the family and helping them settle into life in Canada and in Sackville, doing everything from setting up bank accounts, accompanying them to medical appointments, helping them navigate daily activities such as grocery shopping, and many other things. In preparation for the arrival of our third family, a family of four from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, hopefully soon, the SRRC is establishing a third Welcome Committee. If you are interested in participating in an experience that will be life-changing, please contact Diane Fullerton at 536-3749, email her at dfullert@nb.sympatico.ca, or send us a message through the SRRC’s Facebook page.
CENTERING PRAYER: Centering prayer group meets every Monday; all are welcome to join for one half hour of prayer together.
OPERATION BEAUTIFICATION: We have been invited to participate in the first annual “Operation Beautification” town clean-up project, on May 10 anytime between 8:30am-6:30pm. Supplies, gloves, and snacks will be provided.
SHARE SUPPER WITH OUR ECUMENICAL NEIGHBOURS: First Baptist Church (Amherst) will be having a Lobster Roll Luncheon on Wednesday, May 17th from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm. Meal includes lobster roll, potato salad, dessert, tea/coffee. Tickets $18.00 – available at the Church Office 902 667 2001. Limited to 100 people.
Acts 2:14a, 22-32 John 3:1-16
Invitation: Hallelujah, Give Thanks, VU 179 chorus, v.4, chorus Bathe Me in Your Light, MV 82 Breathe on Me, Breath of God, VU 382 My Love Colours Outside the Lines, MV 138 Offertory Response: As A Fire, VU 578, v.2 Fresh as the Morning, MV 28 Prayer for Peace (on screen/in order of service)