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Musings, Monday February 4th 2019: Shortest Month in the Longest Season… Winter!

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

Monday Greetings! I remember when I began in ministry it was suggested that I take Monday off – it was called ‘Minister’s Monday’ – and it never worked for me. On Sunday I would have an opportunity to engage with folk and would learn of situations and individuals that needed attending to… and, as my father and mother instilled within me: don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today – it always made more sense to me to get to work on Monday morning!

And so this morning I found myself responding to some of those events and situations that I learned of on Sunday, trying to be a helpful and hopeful presence. This afternoon I put together some promotion bits for the two Lenten Learning Events: Interfaith: Being Love in the World and Called to Community before heading out to do a few visits.

Interfaith: Being Love in the World is a resource from the Prayer Bench and will be offered on Monday mornings at 9AM beginning on March 11th. This five week study will explore common threads among our world’s wisdom traditions. This is a gentle introduction to Interfaith and Interspirituality aimed at looking at the beauty in all traditions. As we better understand one another and create interfaith friendships, we overcome biases and misconceptions and realize there is more that unites us than divides us. Kathy Roy, an Interfaith minister helps us explore the mystical heart of our world’s wisdom traditions. Naming the gifts and treasures in all traditions often invites a deepening of our own tradition.

Called to Community is a resource from the Work of the People and will be offered in conjunction with a Crock-Pot Supper on Wednesday evenings at 6PM beginning on March 6th. This six week study, features several of our generation’s wisest souls reflecting on the question: What is the role of the Church? What is the Church’s role in the lives of individuals and families who no longer turn to it as the center of their social and family structure? What is the Church’s role in a world that increasingly sees it as irrelevant or even antithetical to human progress? What is the Church’s role in the lives of the people who continue to return to it as a source of strength, inspiration, solace and connection with God? What is the Church’s role in the lives of the people who have never walked through one of our doors and those who have sworn they never will again?

Please consider this your invitation to take part in one or both of the above Lenten Learning Events and share in the building of community and the expansion of wisdom.

‘til Sunday (if not before), Lloyd

Looking Ahead

Tomorrow is a reading day. The books are piling up and I need to give the pile some attention before it falls over on Rasta’s bed – he’d not be impressed!

On Wednesday I expect to be in the Office in the morning (including some time with the folk from Open Sky during coffee hour) then, to the Drew after lunch followed by some time with the young people at the Queer Room.

Thursday will see me at home involved in a series of four meetings over the course of the day – ending with the first Grounding Meeting of the 2019-2020 Sackville United Church Executive.

Friday and Saturday will be days off…

And, Sunday promises to be a full day! At both the 9AM Gathering at Upper Sackville and 11AM Gathering at Sackville United, Gary MacDonald will share pictures and reflections from his recent trip to Kenya as part of Pilgrims In Mission/Vision Trip as offered through the United Church’s People’s In Partnership programme. At 1PM I am looking forward to gathering with others to celebrate Wallie Sear’s 90th birthday and after that, I’ll make my way to the Owen’s Art Galley to celebrate with Marilyn Lerch the launch of her new book: That We Have Lived At All: Poems of Love, Witness and Gratitude.

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Happy New Year!

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