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Pentecost Sunday, May 31st 2020

Writer's picture: Lloyd BruceLloyd Bruce

When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:1-2)

Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 6.27.38 AM

In the spirit of Pentecost, we are doing something new… on Sunday morning at 9:30AM a Zoom meeting will be opened to allow us to gather and connect with one another.  You can join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link (Meeting ID: 862 5814 8752 Password: 188593)

Note, if you do not already have Zoom installed you will need to install it at this time (or you can install it ahead of time by following this link). 

At about 9:50AM we will depart the Zoom meeting and move to the Sackville Pastoral Charge Facebook page (either alone or as part of a watch party) where we will share in the Pentecost Service as created by the Ministry Personnel of a number of the United Church communities in the area.  In addition, the Choir of Sackville United Church has contributed a virtual anthem!  All these folk came together to develop a cooperative service of music and reflection and I trust that the Spirit will fill our houses as we experience it.

If for any reason you are unable to watch the service with the community at 10AM on Sunday on Facebook, you can watch it here, or in the player in the box below, indepentenly at your leisure.  In either case, may the Spirit refresh and renew you in love!

In addition, here is a link to a Godly Play resouce sheet that you may wish to use to explore the story of Pentecost together.

And, if all of the above leaves you wanting more, consider registering for “Together in One Place” as hosted by the Canadian Council of Churches.  You can register by clicking this link.

And finally, if you want to read a very timely sermon, have a look at Diana Butler-Bass’s sermon, Pentecost, Prejudice and Pandemic which you can find here.

Happy Pentecost!

Carolyn, Edward, Jennie & Lloyd

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Sackville United Church

Office:    (506) 536-0498 or Email

Minister: (506) 940-1151 or Email 

110 Main Street, Sackville, NB E4L 1A1

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