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Writer's pictureLloyd Bruce

What’s the Governance Group Stirring?

The Executive of the Congregation has had three regular meetings and two grounding gatherings(gatherings where in various ways consider the narrative of Scripture and the narrative of the congregation as preparation for discernment and decision making in our meetings to accomplish our work on behalf of the congregation.)

We are glad to say that we have an A/V desk under construction now; that plans are underway to have signs made to be ready and mounted by the fall, fire extinguishers are being added in the building and we have a quote on blinds for the sanctuary and a plan for fund-raising to provide them.

The Discernment Board is filling up but there is always room for more. On the wall you will soon see more circles appearing, each one representing one of the five Ministry Areas of the congregation; Worship/Faith Formation, Outreach/Justice, Inreach/Pastoral Care, Communications, and Finance/Property.

Following the model of the Ministry Groups you are invited to offer your time for as long or short a time as you have available to support the work of these areas. If you are willing (or even eager ) to serve communion, for example, just sign your name under the Worship/Faith Formation Circle with the times you are available. If you see something in the Pastoral Care or Outreach, or any circle that catches your interest or calls for your commitment, even if you can only do it once in a while, please add your name to our lists.

And on the Discernment Board you will now find Circles of Service gathered by various members of our faith community. There is opportunity to prepare and serve breakfast at Salem Elementary, to tend the gardens around the church, to meet around Joyce Rupp’s book Praying Our Good-Byes, and in the fall to gather for the Jesus-Fatwa Study and/or to begin the process to becoming an Affirming Conversation. There is lots to choose from and room for more.

What is your passion and our shared ministry calling you to? There is opportunity to express the liveliness of our faith and to deepen our relationships with one another, with God and with the ministry to which we are called.

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