The Executive has had its second meeting and has begun to prioritize and get estimates for the items placed on the Discernment Board. We have received estimates for a lockable A/V cabinet and are proceeding with that. Estimates for sanctuary blinds are also in process. Inquiries have been made of John Lafford concerning the items from the former church that are on the Discernment Board.
Since there were numerous wishes about acquiring or fixing things and there will be an ongoing need to tend the space, we have created a ‘Fix-It Box’. This will free up space on the Discernment Board. This box will be checked regularly as is the Discernment Board.
I encourage you to make a practice of checking the Discernment Board for the new initiatives that are being posted there. Who knows what opportunity for service or education and the building of relationships through shared interest you will find there. It only takes a moment to glance over the Board as you come or go.
I am very happy to highlight that there are now several initiatives up on the Discernment Board, the first one started by Mora MacDonald around preparing breakfast at Salem Elementary School. Another inviting participation in tending the gardens around the church and a third inviting participants to the Jesus Fatwa study that will, if people indicate their interest by signing the sheet, be held in the fall.
What would you like to invite people to share with you? Is there a book you thought was fantastic for which you’d like to gather a group to discuss for a few hours? Is there a fund-raiser you’d like to plan and organize? Is there a justice issue you’d like to invite people to consider with you in some particular way?
Would you like to begin a group for meditation or centering prayer? What about a healing ministry? Or an initiative toward those who are shut in? What is your passion and our shared ministry calling you to? This is an opportunity to express the liveliness of our faith and to deepen our relationships with one another with God and with the ministry to which we are called.
►We had our first Shared Ministry Gathering on Thursday night. We considered the five ministry areas; Worship/Faith Formation; Property/Finance; Inreach/Pastoral Care; Outreach/Justice; Communications and what we imagined in each area. We could see that many ministries overlap. This is one of the reasons for shared ministry gatherings. They encourage a time of conversation across the areas and the tending of hopes and growth of projects shared.
We hope that a wide representation of the congregation will take part in lively discussions; no agenda, no minutes, just the sharing of stories and hopes that we experience in our faith community.
►Ever wondered who to speak to when you have a question? Perhaps this will help. If you have a question, concern, suggestion, or even a word of encouragement or praise about a particular area of our ministry/church life, here is a directory of who you can be in touch with:
About new programs/projects – one of our Elders, Craig Brett, Ed Burridge
About worship or pastoral care – Rev. Catherine Smith
About money matters/finance – our Treasurer, Eric Tusz-King
About sharing information within/beyond our congregation – Communicator, Brenda Allen
Requests about sharing our church space – Executive of the Congregation will consider requests; requests can be directed to the Executive through the church office, 536-0498)
About the church building (fixing/improving, etc.) – all suggestions go in the “Fix-it Box” and will be directed appropriately
Things that don’t fit the above – Chair of the Executive, Marilyn Burrell (536-4180)