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  So What?
    Now What

The following comments are those ideas  gathered over the past five weeks of seeking: honest questions for deeper faith & mission in the world.


The Task Group has tried to group them for the sake of convenience and you are invited to make comment on them and add other ideas that may be missing.


The slide image summary of the Task Group can be found at the bottom.


Please take the time to read the ideas below and then offer your feedback on these possible ways forward by responding to the questions found here.

Ideas for moving forward...

Celebrate and promote the fact that we are an affirming ministry of the United Church of Canada committed to inclusivity, reconciliation, and environmental Justice.

  • Promote our niche and presence more visibly and use many forms of media to identify ourself and offerings:  (ie.  Fly P flags at all times or paint rainbow mural - partner with artist(s)) on York St. side of building, more signage - on windows?, placard? about events/ topics/ sermons etc …  Sackville monthly newsletter, pamphlets, marquee, presence at Sackville Farmer’s market)

  • Community meals: (ie. muticultural potlucks or cooking classes, pancake breakfasts on farmer’s market day, coffee house with music, 2SLGBTQIA+ Coffee group, food safety course). Welcome people from multicultural backgrounds in our community - Indigenous community, Mt. A and Tantramar students, immigrant families and newcomers, market vendors…

  • Invite dialogue with people of other faiths  - are there opportunities for joint celebrations or joint discussion groups to learn more about each other's faiths?

  • Promote small group study and learning and discussionopportunities in the broader community with posters/ online? (ie. If we are learning more about environmental justice or reconciliation or inclusion, can we extend invitations to our broader community to take part in these short-term sessions?  People might commit to a 4-week or 6-week taste of something at the church because they know there is an end if they don't like it!)

  • Conversation Cafes - similar to what Lloyd organized these in the past which brought in people from the broader community to educate us about needs and issues were always interesting.  (ie.  we hosted a Muslim imam one month,  and a panel of trans and gender non-conforming persons another.  I also remember Lloyd inviting in a death doula and a funeral home director one month.) 

  • Environment, pride, and anti racism walks; crafts and games nights 

  • Invite Indigenous community to the table (ie. Indigenous led service like Blanket exercise)

  • Continue to promote/support affordable housing, food bank, harm machine, AA, Open Sky partnerships, and our other social justice initiatives.


Revisit the Vision and Mission Statements to make them more actionable and sustainable. 

  • update, make less flowery, more actionable, replace word “mission” with another word like “purpose”. (The word may be a barrier to relationship with Indigenous people)


We need to decide whether this building is an asset that will assist us in fulfilling our vision and mission. 


  • Having a central gathering space is important. Perform cost analysis / community engagement survey/ research other options. (There may questionable merit in abandoning the building as the cost of renting  a space may be same/more than maintaining our existing space.)

  • Investigate sharing our physical space with another faith community with different values and behaviors - could we survive if we changed even more? 

  • Space determines how we build community, eg/ no kitchen - no dinners. (ie. Could we use the kitchen and space at the Maritime Conference Center to put on community dinners, Mt. A. chapel for services? Could we share space or resources with another faith community in Sackville, Moncton or Amherst (ie. United Church, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Presbyterian, Baptist, Anglican …?)


Consult with other congregations about their experiences, and explore possible partnerships that may contribute to developing a more sustainable financial model.


  • Talk with other churches (ministerial associations) abouttheir experiences, and about possible partnerships  (in person or online - United Church, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Baptist in Moncton, Amherst, Eastside United Church in Regina, SK  is composed of two congregations that came together in “A Doing Ministry”)

  • Careful with whom we might partner: most churches do not offer radical welcome to 2SLGBTQIA+ and others. 


Explore present levels of stewardship and ways that additional income can be generated.

  •  Annual stewardship campaign: ask people to give - time, talent, treasure, review how we thank donors  (ie. Open Sky writes personal notes of gratitude etc … )

  • Information on current financials - income/expenditures and assets(investments) with some forecasting out five years. Share Quarterly Financial updates to keep congregation informed and allow them to give more when needed. 

  • Events for money, promotion, community engagement (ie.  pie day, 50/50 draws, bingo, bake sales, online auctions, host concerts, lectures, musicals, plays, online auctions  and (outdoor) yard sales of used household items, book sales on Saturdays when community is out for farmers market).  

  • Discuss our money and justice, and mission and service


Continue to consult with other local organizations that may contribute to greater utilization of the building and possibly generate income. 

  •  Invite input of others (e.g., Indigenous people, more BIPOC people. Organizations who use our building, community leaders, etc.  Non-members who can comment on what the presence of our church means in the Sackville community -- positive experiences and negative experiences.   

  • Continue to explore hosting organizations like Farmer’s Market, Bob Egett Boy’s Club, Yoga/Dance etc …?


Reimagine and reinvigorate ministry to families, youth and children that arises out of our commitment to inclusivity, reconciliation, and environmental justice. 

  • Organize and offer separate spaces for youth: ( ie. upstairs for creative arts, music, and quiet activities and basement for queer room and other youth and teen hang out space and activities) 

  • Organize children’s activities (ie. arts, crafts, music, environmental, sunday school, multi-faith, Peace Centres, Sacred Pause, Labyrinth, mindfulness and spiritual practice spaces,  quiet spaces with books, cushions; music built around a variety of sensory experiences.) 

  • Partner in nature pursuits, co-apply for grants,  (e.g.  Terrasonga, CFI (community forests International, Tantramar Council, Mt. A  and other organizations, for youth programming and activities like a community tree planting, a Cosmic walk - with candles instead of fireworks, labyrinth in a park, painted poster parade, day of peace rap songs, school lunch food security …)


And Even More Ideas… 

  • Shift focus to expanding congregation (in person and online) to help solve financial shortall 

  • Show our ideas and summaries to someone or a group who has experience with this whole process --- a UCC facilitator or group -- and have them comment on what we might have left out. Might an impartial outside observer have some wise words to share?

Sackville United Church

Office:    (506) 536-0498 or Email

Minister: (506) 940-1151 or Email 

110 Main Street, Sackville, NB E4L 1A1

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